Home Remedies to Prevent Ticks and Fleas in Dogs

Home Remedies to Prevent Ticks and Fleas in Dogs

Newborn or a few week old pups are the most adorable. They need their mother’s attention, love, and care. But sometimes they are separated from their mothers earlier and they need all the care that its owner can give. They are no different from our babies, as they are tender and sensitive and need all the protection they can get.

If the mother has been exposed to ticks and fleas outdoors or if the pups are separated shortly after birth, they are more likely to be exposed to fleas and ticks. The pups with their warmth are an easy target for these insects. Getting rid of them from pups is a delicate matter as they have to be done carefully without strong medications that may harm the pups. The anti-flea products designed for dogs are not advisable for pups less than 3 months old. They are very sensitive to the poisoning from these medications. However, some home remedies keep the insects away without harming the pups.

Give a bath with mild shampoo
Bathe your pup in warm water and shampoo. You have to be careful with the temperature of the water. Make sure to handle the head and face carefully. The fur should be shampooed and lathered well. There are puppy friendly, paraben and alcohol-free shampoos that are mild but good in getting rid of the fleas.

Using a fine-toothed comb
Comb the fur of the pup thoroughly with a comb of very fine spikes. It removes the insects and their eggs. Starting at the neck, the entire body has to be covered and take care not to hurt the tender skin. Make sure you get rid of the insects as soon as you remove them from the fur, otherwise, they will find their way back very soon.

Keep your pup dry
The fleas and ticks breed in moisture. Keep the pup clean and dry and if you have the mother with you, see to that it is kept free of fleas and ticks.

Keep the house clean
Once the pup is rid of fleas and ticks, the house and environment should also be cleaned up. The bedding and the carpets will have to be cleaned. Anti flea and tick spray can be used to get rid of the fleas that remain in your home. This spray should be used on the dog’s bedding, crate, rugs, and couch or wherever your pup loves to be. This spray is available as a plant-based formula, free of harsh chemicals and does not harm your pup. If the carpets and rugs have to be cleaned thoroughly, leave them overnight with an anti-flea powder and vacuum clean the next day. Keep your pup away from the area till it is cleaned.

A natural treatment
Topical flea treatment can be made from cinnamon oil, mint oil, and lemongrass. This can be applied to the dog’s skin. It repels and kills fleas and ticks without hurting your pup’s skin.