5 Odors that Cause Migraines

5 Odors that Cause Migraines

Every person has experienced a headache at some time, either extensive or a minor headache. However, migraine is not like a normal headache. It is a throbbing head pain that is more extensive, triggered by several factors. Some odors may trigger migraines, which comes with symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. Do you want to know smells that can trigger your migraine? If you are prone to migraine, look out for the following top five odors:

1. Food smells
There are foods which have strong smells which can trigger migraine. Also, migraine can be triggered by some diets. Some of the food that triggers migraine includes caffeine, pickled food, and cheese. These foods release smell that goes through the nose to nerve pathways. If you are overly sensitive to smell, food with a strong smell can make you develop a migraine.

2. Cleaning products
The chemical found in most cleaning products is the one responsible for triggering migraines. Most of these products have toxic and strong odors that affect the nerves. Cleaning products such as detergents and most solvents have volatile organic compounds, which also triggers migraines. If you are prone to migraines, you should avoid these compounds since they have intense smells.

3. Cigarette smoke
Cigarettes contain nicotine chemicals which trigger migraine symptoms. When nicotine enters the bloodstream, it enlarges the blood vessels. In doing so, your nerves become sensitive, triggering migraines. If you are prone to migraines, you have to avoid cigarettes altogether. Also, cigarette smoke from other people can trigger migraines. Therefore, stay away from anyone smoking.

4. Alcohol
You know that alcohol makes you urinate more. Well, it causes migraines due to dehydration. Also, alcohol is diuretic, so it relaxes the blood vessels making the amount of blood flow to the brain to increase. The increased amount of blood in the brain can result in a migraine. Therefore, if you have ever experienced a migraine, avoid taking alcohol.

5. Perfumes
The smell of perfumes is one of the major migraine triggers. Some of the perfumes produce an overpowering scent, which is allergic to people prone to migraines. Most people who suffer from migraine report that it started after they applied strong perfume or someone with strong perfume passed near them. Therefore, you have to avoid perfumes if you are prone to migraines. Perhaps you also apply nail polish. You have to forget this too. Nail polish also has strong odors. The smell from these perfumes enters the nerve system activating the olfactory nerve pathways making you develop migraines.

Odors cause migraines since they interfere with the nerve system of an individual. If you usually get a migraine, you might be having a susceptible brain. This means that your brain is sensitive to the surrounding environments, such as a strong smell. The smell can send the migraine brain nerve into an overdrive triggering a migraine. Therefore, avoid everything that triggers migraines as there is no immediate cure. The only cure is to avoid what triggers your migraine.