5 Ways to Keep Migraine at Bay

5 Ways to Keep Migraine at Bay

A type of throbbing pain in the head, often on one side for which the causes are still fully unknown, affects more than one-third of the world’s population. It is not to be misunderstood with a tumor or any other serious medical issue. A trained clinical practitioner can identify the difference well and guide you.

It tends to be hard to convey the levels of torment, especially if your headaches are chronic. Frequency of occurrence and the duration that it lasts varies from person to person. Quite often it has hindered many people from going on with their routine activities and from going to work. Here are some home remedies that can help you deal with migraine headaches:

Timely meal habits
Mealtime routine is a major contributor to help migraines to be kept at bay. When meals are skipped, there is gas formation leading to bloating of the stomach, belching, and nausea which can eventually lead to a migraine. Also, skipping meals can cause serious consequences. This can worsen your entire system and play havoc with your digestion. Occasional incidents are fine, but for those prone to migraines, it is always better to be on the safer side. Always better to play it safe than regret it later when you are left dealing with a splitting headache.

Types of food best suited for you during a bout of migraine
Your nerves are stressed and your stomach is overloaded; this is typically what leads to a migraine. A hot clear soup with vegetable stock, boiled noodles tossed into it with a dash of pepper and black salt, or a clear soup with chicken stock or mushroom soup with light cream can best keep your throat and stomach calm. For the rice lovers, a soft porridge with pepper and salt makes a good meal at this time.

Cumin water
Cumin serves as a healthy help for migraines. Add a teaspoon of cumin to boiling water, simmer for five minutes, strain, and consume. You can add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey into it. Cumin has the innate ability to clean your gut. The antioxidants present in it enable the elimination of harmful free radicals present in your system and it has notable anti-inflammatory properties.

Dry fruits and nuts
They can be harsh for the stomach to digest. If you happen to consume peanuts or almonds without soaking them in water for at least 24 hours and you feel a migraine hitting you, it is best to boil a few leaves of mint, add a bit of cinnamon powder and green tea leaves, strain and add a teaspoon of honey, and then relax with this hot interesting tea. It helps keep migraine symptoms at bay.

Healthy sleeping habits
If you are prone to migraines, burning midnight oil is a strict no. Catching adequate sleep is imperative. Early to bed and having dinner at least two hours before bedtime is a must for those prone to migraine headaches. Catching an eight-hour sleep will help keep migraine symptoms low in the long run.