7 Natural Ways to Combat Hair Loss

7 Natural Ways to Combat Hair Loss

Hair loss could happen due to many reasons like stress, undernourishment of hair, a diet that is not nutritious, using harsh chemicals and styling agents, and pollution. There are natural ways to take care of your hair even if it has suffered a loss of volume, lusciousness and its healthy texture. Excessive hair loss is one way of knowing that your hair is getting damaged. To take care of your hair naturally, you must choose the products that suit your hair type and be consistent in using it. You can see the results over some time.

Nutritious diet
Eating a balanced diet is important for hair growth. Certain proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats are necessary for hair to grow strong and healthy. A diet that lacks nutrients results in hair loss. Hair becomes unhealthy and appears lusterless.

Usage of oils
Coconut oil has been a natural solution for great skin and hair care for a long time. It has healthy fatty acids that protect the scalp and hair giving it the necessary proteins and nourishment. Coconut oil can be used to massage and oil the hair before washing the hair or as an after wash to condition the hair. It is also an ingredient of many shampoos.

Essential oils like rosemary oil and geranium oil promote hair growth. A few drops of these essential oils should be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil and massaged into the scalp and hair and rinsed off. Repeat the oil care a few times in a week for good results.

Massaging the scalp every day helps blood circulation and keeps the scalp healthy. A healthy scalp promotes hair growth making the follicles grow thicker and healthier hair cells. You can massage with oils or natural products like aloe vera and lemon. Serums and masks can also help to massage. Massaging the scalp relaxes your mind and body and gives relief from stress.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is known to be an excellent treatment for hair. It cleanses the hair and scalp, removes dandruff and keeps the hair healthy. Aloe vera can be applied as a pure gel. You can also use shampoo and conditioners that contain aloe vera.

Using lemon juice or lemon oil on your hair improves the quality and growth of your hair. Apply it on the scalp and rinse with shampoo after 15 minutes. It fights dandruff too, preventing hair loss. Your hair becomes healthy and luscious with lemon treatment.

Staying healthy
Find time to relax every day. Follow a health care routine that will infuse positivity in you. Simple exercises like walking, jogging, cycling or swimming done regularly keep your mind and body healthy. Your skin and hair will reflect your state of health and your mind plays a big part in it. If you have decided upon a hair care treatment, do it regularly for a few weeks or months to see the results.

Avoiding harsh chemicals and synthetic products
The harmful chemicals in shampoos, the heat in hair treatments and styling tools, the colors and dyes used for hair styling are unnatural and damaging for your hair. It leads to loss of hair. Avoid using them on a regular basis. Learn to understand your hair type and protect your hair with serums before experimenting with synthetic products.