8 Early Warning Signs of Depression

8 Early Warning Signs of Depression

Mental issues are still taboo in many societies, and many often hesitate to take professional help for the treatment of mental health issues. Depression, in particular, is a commonly misunderstood, or even ignored, condition. The “everyone goes through it” attitude is dangerous when dealing with patients of the condition as they certainly do not need someone telling them that their worrying is useless. Here are some common early warning signs of depression that one needs to watch out for:

Depression is a mood disorder that makes one feel hopeless about life in general. Worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt over little as well as major things are other feelings associated with the condition. An early warning sign of depression is that the patient may blame themselves for their condition or begin to think that everything in life is meaningless.

Increased fatigue and disturbed sleep
Lack of energy and an overwhelming feeling of fatigue are often associated with depression, and these may lead to increased lethargy. This may further lead to sleepiness or excessive sleeping during the day and insomnia at night. Also, the disturbed sleep patterns further increase irritation and frustration, worsening anxiety.

Changes in appetite and weight
Depression can lead to people either eating too much or too little, which can result in weight gain or loss, respectively. The severity of this early warning sign of depression usually varies from one person to another, and a way to understand this is that dietary changes, if not intentional, could be a result of depression.

Uncontrollable emotions
There might be a sudden outburst of anger among a depressed individual, followed by uncontrollable crying. Emotional upheavals and mood swings at a moment’s notice are common without an external cause.

There are several symptoms of anxiety, namely, nervousness, restlessness, a feeling of danger, panic, and dread, rapid heart rate and rapid breathing, increased sweating, trembling, muscle twitching, and trouble focusing. Anxiety and depression are deemed to go hand in hand.

Depression is deemed to affect both genders differently. Research says that men suffering from depression may become irritable, show escapist or risky behavior, leading to substance abuse and misplaced anger.

Loss of interest
Depression can lead to loss of interest in activities that an individual was interested in earlier. The condition may lead one to withdraw from sports, hobbies, meeting friends and socializing, and even spending time with family. Another telltale early warning sign of depression is a low libido. A person suffering from depression may have a decreased sex drive or face a loss of interest in sex.

Thoughts and attempts of self-harm
In severe cases, depression can also lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts. One of the most effective ways to deal with this symptom of depression is to talk to a loved one. Although confiding in someone might seem difficult, a person suffering from depression can feel supported and loved by talking to someone they trust.