Diet and Lifestyle Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Effectively

Diet and Lifestyle Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Effectively

Living with hypertension can be quite complicated and challenging, especially if you are an avid lover of all fried and sugary foods. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot have nice meals and have to make a long face whenever you see somebody else eating a hamburger. You may indulge in certain foods in strict moderation, after getting your doctor’s approval and also have to follow some essential lifestyle and diet tips for lowering the blood pressure. It can be as easy as that!

To help you out, here are some diet tips for lowering blood pressure, as well as some pointers on habits that must be cultivated to lead a healthy life.

Do not eat salty foods
Food can taste quite bad without a proper amount of salt. Everything feels bland and even your favorite food items will not be appetizing if you have to eat them this way. Due to this, restaurant or store-bought foods contain a high amount of sodium, thereby making them a complete no for hypertension patients. It is crucial to reduce the quantity of salt used while cooking, as well as give up on packaged food items as these contain excess salt and preservatives. While this differs from case to case, most individuals are required to limit their sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day.

Lose weight
Obesity is and has always been one of the leading causes of both hypertension and diabetes. So, the first thing that you need to do for the betterment of your condition is to maintain a healthy weight. Exercising regularly, along with following diet tips for lowering blood pressure, can help you meet this goal easily. This is because most foods that are included in a hypertension diet plan do not contain any fatty substances. For maximum benefit, you have to make sure that each session lasts for at least 30 minutes or more. However, if you cannot exercise rigorously, then light walking can also be an excellent start for you.

Stop drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol not only damages your liver but also affects your cardiovascular health. Thus, if you drink regularly, you’re essentially increasing your chances of developing heart diseases. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in blood pressure. Limiting your alcohol consumption to a glass or two per week is ideal if you at risk of high blood pressure or suffer from this condition already.

Control your stress levels
Chronic stress or anxiety issues can also contribute to heart tissue damage and hypertension. Occasional stress can also cause the same amount of damage if your reaction to it includes bingeing on fatty foods and carbonated beverages. So, alongside following the diet tips for lowering blood pressure, you would also have to determine the issues that trigger your stress and work on it. You can opt for yoga or meditation to reduce the level of stress you face.