Dietary Tips for ADHD Patients

Dietary Tips for ADHD Patients

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder chiefly attacks the children and teens. However, few of the adults can also fall prey to the disorder. The disorder affects the brain functionality and results in multiple issues. For instance, ADHD patients find it difficult to sit still and conduct certain tasks.

However, the disorder can’t be cured with the help of medications. Medicines can decrease the symptoms to a certain extent. Besides, medications can only show a fair result if the patient additionally follows the dietary tips for managing ADHD. While following the diet tips, the first important thing to prioritize is the selection of foods.

You can choose to add the below-mentioned items for minimizing the symptoms of ADHD:

Vitamins and minerals
Several studies show the fact that consuming the right amount of vitamin D, iron, magnesium, zinc, etc., can treat your ADHD and decrease the symptoms of the condition. They improve the condition of brain cells and enhance the power of memory. Besides, minerals like magnesium boost the production of serotonin which lifts your mood.

You can find these components in some fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also include items like animal liver, meats, egg yolks, beans, tofu, etc in your meal plan while following the dietary tips for managing ADHD.

Protein-rich items
Protein is another friendly component of an ADHD patient. Therefore, if your kid is dealing with ADHD symptoms, make sure to add some protein-rich items in their daily meal. Protein improves brain functionality. It also helps in enhancing their ability to concentrate. Besides, protein helps the medications to work in a better way. You can add some healthy and delicious items like eggs, meats, shellfishes, lentils, etc., in your child’s diet to treat ADHD.

Foods that are high in carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates boost the brain’s health. Therefore, it can be the right choice to include complex carbohydrate-rich food items in your kid’s meals. However, while you choose the items, you need to be sure that they can go well with the medications given by the doctor. Wrong items can interact with the medications and slow down their work. Fresh vegetables and fruits like pears, apples, kiwi, and oranges are great sources of healthy carbohydrates. These items promote good sleep as well.

Healthy cooking oil
Unhealthy cooking oil tends to increase the symptoms of ADHD making your kid’s condition worse. Therefore, it is extremely important to use oil that is healthy. Olive oil is very healthy. A common side effect of ADHD medication is weight gain. Olive oil takes care of that too as it reduces the fat cells and decreases body weight. However, it doesn’t mean that you give your kid food that is overladen with olive oil.

Last but not the least, always feed your kids with home-cooked food. It allows you to keep track of what they are eating.