Food to Help Reduce Erectile Dysfunction

Food to Help Reduce Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that occurs in men when they are rendered incapable of maintaining an erection through sexual intercourse. While an individual scenario or a one-time occurrence of this problem might not be greatly significant, spread over long periods of time, this condition can reflect reduced self-esteem, increased stress, and relationship conflicts.

To cure this condition, doctors usually prescribe different kinds of medication. In some cases, even surgery is suggested. While there are several other therapy options that are available, men can also create an improvement in the situation by simple lifestyle changes and simple additions and subtractions made in their dietary habits. There are several food substances that can help in improving the condition. Some examples of such food substances are as follows:

  • Watermelon

Watermelon is known to have a chemical compound in it that has a similar effect as that of erectile dysfunction medications. It has also been shown in some studies that consumption of watermelon or its addition in the diet is capable of increasing the sex drive. While most of the watermelon is composed of water, a chemical constituent in watermelon known as lycopene is an antioxidant that is known to be beneficial for the prostate, skin, and heart.

  • Oysters

Oysters are known to be capable of increasing the testosterone levels in the body and thereby lead to an increase in the sex drive. Oysters are also abundant sources of zinc which is a nutrient that is required by the body. However, proper care should be taken while buying and cooking the oysters to ensure that it doesn’t cause any contamination or infection of sorts at a later point in time.

  • Coffee

It has been seen through different studies that the caffeine present in coffee can be extremely helpful in combatting the problem of erectile dysfunction. That is because caffeine is known to be one of the products which can improve the blood flow in the body. Increased blood flow can reduce the problem of erectile dysfunction. It has been reported by a study that men who drink about two to three cups of coffee in a day are very less likely to be affected by the condition of erectile dysfunction.

  • Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the food substances that can help in improving vascular health when consumed in moderate quantities. An ounce of dark chocolate taken a few times in a week proves to be good for the heart. Plant nutrients and flavonols that are present in dark chocolate are known to be capable of improving the blood flow and reducing blood pressure. This further leads to the better release of nitric oxide and nitric oxide further helps in the maintenance of an erection that can ultimately solve the problem of erectile dysfunction

  • Walnuts

Walnuts are known to contain arginine which is an amino acid that is used by the body in the production of nitric oxide. In addition to that, it is also a good source of fiber, folic acid, and vitamin E. However, walnuts shouldn’t be consumed in higher quantities as they are high in calories and can increase weight.