Lifestyle Choices Linked to Breast Cancer

Lifestyle Choices Linked to Breast Cancer

Self-care is the foremost way to stay away from the risks of breast cancer. You need to be aware of the symptoms beforehand. Try to maintain a healthy weight that is appropriate for your age group. Hence, it’s vital to follow these steps, and to avoid certain factors and lifestyle choices that are linked to breast cancer development:

Avoid using birth control pills
Pills for birth control come with their own sets of risks. It brings about a greater hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman. The more the age of a woman, the higher is the risk of breast cancer. However, you can shove off the risks by avoiding or stopping the use of birth control medicines. In any case, supplement your bodily needs with good food and avoiding foods linked to breast cancer.

Avoid hormones post menopause
Women, after their menopause, need to be cautious about the medications they take. They need to stay away from prolonged use of hormonal medications for osteoporosis or heart disease. Studies have shown that these medications heighten the risk of causing breast cancer as they weaken the immune system. Added to this, these medications mostly increase the estrogen in the blood that catalyzes the growth of breast cancer cells.

Keep a check on your weight
Do check for the ideal weight based on your BMI count. An overweight or obese body is more prone to cancer. This is because such bodies have a relatively weaker immune system to fight the cancer cells. So, try to avoid foods linked to breast cancer.

Undergo regular screenings
Doctors recommend undergoing mammography once a year. It is one significant step towards self-care and awareness of breast cancer.

The frequency of screenings depends on your age. Young adults can have screening every two years whereas women above the age of 45 years need to get mammography once in a year.

Check your family history
Family history with a male or female suffering from breast cancer is likely to cause the disease in you. Do check your family history to be more aware of the symptoms of cancer. Even though family history is an important factor, there is no better way than to eat healthily and prevent it. Stay away from fatty and processed foods linked to breast cancer at any cost.

Breastfeed your babies
Added to greater health benefits for a child, breastfeeding can help the nursing mothers too. Studies have shown that women who breastfeed their babies for an extended period of a year have lesser chances of suffering from breast cancer. However, avoid having foods linked to breast cancer during this time as this can affect both the mother and the child.

Maintaining the right weight helps to stay away from the risk of being obese. Thus, these tips are the best way to stay away from breast cancer.