Most Common Early Warning Signs for Dementia

Most Common Early Warning Signs for Dementia

Today, dementia is a prevalent term used to describe brain disorders that affect normal brain cognitive functioning. The two major causes of dementia include loss of brain due to minor stroke (Vascular disease) and the continuous loss of nerve cells (Alzheimer’s disease). According to meta-survey, dementia affects 7% of 65 years and above adults since they are more vulnerable to suffer from Vascular and Alzheimer’s disease. However, genetics and smoking are also considered key factors that contribute to dementia.

According to research, most dementias are said to be progressive, where their symptoms start slowly and develop with time. Therefore, below are several early warning symptoms of dementia to spot the condition early before it progresses:

1. Memory loss
If you tend to forget recent occasions/happenings like why you have entered a specific room, what you had for breakfast, and where you placed an item, you might have dementia. At this point, you tend to depend on your family members for remembrance highly; however, it’s good to seek medical attention and understand the cause of the memory loss.

2. Problem solving difficulties
In most cases, if you have dementia, getting a solution for a simple problem becomes challenging. For example, accounting for something you have done in the past or you are yet to do. Besides, you may find trouble while making plans or following instructions like a cooking recipe. Therefore, it turns out to be challenging to carry on a conversation with a person suffering from dementia, for they cannot clearly express themselves.

3. Confusion about time and place
When suffering from dementia, you find it challenging to track dates and times. Additionally, it’s hard to remember the future and past events. On the other hand, it becomes difficult for you to commemorate familiar landmarks and directions you regularly use.

4. Challenges in understanding visual information
Often, a person with dementia finds it perplexing to read because the writings appear blurred. You may also encounter problems in differentiating colors and judging distance, which leads to poor driving. Besides, your eye pupils may be taking time to adjust. For example, if you move from light to a dark place, it appears dark until your pupils react.

5. Speech issues
Speech problems are also a common sign to people with dementia. They tend to have difficulties in following a conversation. Besides, if you stop in the middle of a conversation, you find it difficult to recall what you were talking about or repeat yourself. You may have issues with vocabulary and find it difficult to name an object you are familiar with.

6. Misplacing personal items
Misplacing items severally can be distressing. If you have dementia, you find it a hassle to locate where you keep essential items like keys and documents. With this, you end up blaming other people for stealing your items, which leads to misunderstandings.

7. Poor judgment
Being poor at making decisions or judgment can be experienced when you have dementia. At a point, you may end up purchasing things that you do not require or pay more money for an item. Besides, most people with this condition tend to forget the importance of grooming themselves.

Although dementia is associated with older people, it is advisable to visit a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms because the disease gradually advances with time. Early detection reduces the risk of further health complications.