Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis

Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis

Prevention is better than cure. You must have heard this phrase a million times when you talk about health and diseases. When the name of the disease is hepatitis then it is better to avoid some things which can make the condition worse. The primary reason for the onset of Hepatitis is some common types of Hepatitis viruses which an individual gets affected by. Hepatitis is the most common disease that is caused by the virus attack. The affected person of the disease can be seen all over the world.

Prevention of common Hepatitis
Hepatitis is mostly caused by viruses that are present in our body parts, hormones or the daily used things. If you want to prevent common Hepatitis then you must follow some below-mentioned things:

  • Drink maximum water

Jaundice is one of the vital symptoms of Hepatitis at the initial stage, so drinking purified water can kill the virus about to attack the liver at the early stage.

  • Hygienic sanitization

There is a high chance of the common types of Hepatitis virus to enter your body from an unhygienic and dirty toilet. So, to avoid a public toilet or a dirty sanitization system where you might get infected. Make sure you carry sanitized products with you before you use public toilets.

  • Safe sex

If you have multiple sexual partners or your partner is affected with the Hepatitis virus then there is a high chance for this virus to enter your body through the hormones. So, you should take proper precautions before indulging in physical intimacy.

  • Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is one of the major reasons for being diagnosed with common types of Hepatitis. So, to prevent hepatitis you need to avoid alcohol.

  • Avoid using the used needle

Hepatitis virus often found in the injection needle. So, you should not take a used needle for injection.

  • Avoid sharing used objects

If a person is affected by Hepatitis and is unaware of the fact then using his/her things can help the Hepatitis viruses to spread to another body. So, make sure you don’t use and share things like syringes, razers, towels, makeup products, among others.

Treatment methods for Hepatitis
Prevention do not always become fruitful to avoid disease. So, treatment is the way to get relief from the disease after the diagnosis. Here are some treatments that are given for you in case you are the victim of Hepatitis.

  • Vaccination is the primary and the best treatment to recover from Hepatitis or not letting attack this virus to the body. As the functions and the symptoms occurred by Hepatitis are overall indifferent, so if you take the vaccine for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B then it will make the immunity for other common types of Hepatitis too.
  • Hepatitis B is considered the most dangerous virus from the rest of the Hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis B can be both acute and chronic. In acute Hepatitis B, a patient needs enough rest, proper nutrition, fluids and antiviral medicines to treat the condition.
  • A chronic Hepatitis B needs antiviral medications, interferon injections prescribed by the doctor. But, the final stage of removing chronic Hepatitis B is liver transplantation because the Hepatitis B virus damages the liver function.

Despite those above-mentioned treatments you can eat nutritious foods and plenty of water so that you recover soon from the attack of the Hepatitis virus.