Risk Factors and Different Types of Lymphoma

Risk Factors and Different Types of Lymphoma

The lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that occurs when the healthy white blood cells in the body (lymphocytes) turn into unhealthy cancerous cells (lymphoma) and spread throughout the body. Various factors are responsible for the two main types of lymphoma.

Hodgkin Lymphoma
The Hodgkin Lymphoma is a rare condition of the two types and it is the most dangerous condition. The factors that can lead to getting them are as follows.


The different types of lymphoma in the group can form in any human being who has a weak immune system. For example, people suffering from diseases such as HIV or hypogammaglobulinemia are likely to contract the various types of Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Family history
People have a higher risk for Hodgkin Lymphoma if they have siblings who previously were diagnosed with it. Twins also face a huge risk. However, most of the Lymphoma cases occur in single-born children.

People of the age group of 20 to 30 are the most likely victims of this type of lymphoma.

Men have higher chances of getting diagnosed with the different types of lymphoma of this category than women.

Socio-economic status
Studies have shown that the people of wealthier families remain at a greater risk for this type of lymphoma than those of lesser affluent status.

Infectious mononucleosis
Mononucleosis or mono, caused by a virus called EBV, causes tension in the immune system and makes it possible for this lymphoma to occur in some people.

Place of origin
People living in western countries, such as the USA, the UK or Canada are in danger of developing different types of lymphoma than the people living in eastern countries, like Asia or Africa.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
This type of lymphoma is very common and can be caused due to various reasons.

Size of the body
Reports show that people with a higher body mass or suffering from diseases such as obesity are at a bigger risk of this type of blood cancer.

Older generations stand a higher risk of suffering from the different types of lymphoma, the average age is 60. But some of the types of NHL can occur in younger people, including children.

The risk of NHL is higher for men than women, except for some particular types of this disease which occur in women as well.

People with certain infections have a higher probability of developing this condition than people without.

Exposure to radiation
Nuclear bomb victims, chemical war survivors, and patients who have been previously treated for some other type of cancer through radiation have a higher chance of this type of lymphoma.

Immunodeficiency caused by some diseases that weaken the immune system drastically, making it a major risk factor for NHL.

Autoimmune disease
People suffering from certain auto-immune diseases have a higher risk of getting the different forms of Lymphoma of this category.

The different factors of your lives affect the internal workings of your body. What causes lymphoma or other cancers are affected by these factors and some without any proper or sensible explanation.