The Beauty Blunder List: 6 Hilarious Makeup Fails to Steer Clear Of

The Beauty Blunder List: 6 Hilarious Makeup Fails to Steer Clear Of

We’ve all had our makeup fails, whether you drew too big of a wing for your eyeliner, overlined your lips, or forgot to blend your concealer, it happens! The truth is, makeup is an art, and it takes a while to get good at it. Watching tutorials or asking advice from friends is the best way to learn and improve, but another great way to understand is to see what makeup fails actually look like—so you can avoid doing the same thing! Grab your lipstick and mascara, and settle in for this list of 6 hilarious makeup fails to steer clear of:

1. The panda eye 

We’ve all been there—you try to nail that smokey eye look, but instead, you end up looking more like a panda. Tip: unless you’re auditioning for a role in a wildlife documentary, always blend, blend, blend! Remember, smudged eyeliner is not the same as a smokey eye.

2. Foundation faux-pas

There’s a fine line between “sun-kissed glow” and “I just dunked my face in a bag of Cheetos.” Matching your foundation to your skin tone is key. Otherwise, you might end up looking like you’re wearing a mask that even Halloween would reject.

3. The great powder plight:

Baking is great, but only in the kitchen. Too much setting powder can leave you looking like a ghost who’s just seen another ghost. Tip: use a light hand with powder, unless you’re aiming to audition for the role of a Victorian-era specter.

4. Contour catastrophe

Contouring is an art, and not everyone is Picasso. A poorly blended contour can make your face look like it’s been in a mud-wrestling match. Blend, don’t just draw a map on your face and call it a day.

5. Eyebrow overkill

We all know that eyebrows are sisters, not twins. But in the quest for perfection, some end up with brows that aren’t even distant cousins. Tip: natural is in! You don’t want your eyebrows looking like they’re trying to escape your face.

6. The lipstick lapse

Bright lipstick on teeth is like a neon sign saying, “Look here!” Be sure to always do the finger-in-mouth trick post-lipstick application, unless, of course, you want that “I just ate a crayon” chic look. Keep a compact mirror on you to make sure your lipstick application stays just on the lips all night!

In conclusion, makeup is fun, but sometimes it can turn into a hilarious horror story. The key is to practice, laugh at your mistakes, and remember, at the end of the day, it all washes off!