Tips to Effectively Manage Asthma

Tips to Effectively Manage Asthma

Asthma is one of the most common conditions seen in the people around us. However, the condition is known to affect one of the most common activities of our day to day lives, which is breathing. This condition is capable of causing a lot of frustration in the patients and the situation can sometimes also go out of hand and become dangerous and scary. When an individual suffers from asthma and the condition acts up, the narrow bronchial tubes can swell up and constrict breathing leading to various symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, swelling, and irritation in the chest.

It has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that about 18.7 million adults and 6.8 million children are affected by asthma in the country alone. Thereby, it is important to inculcate some tips and tricks in our lifestyle which can help us manage asthma better and reduce its interference. Some tips to manage asthma are as follows:

  • Making use of a peak flow meter

Peak flow meter is a device that is often suggested to be put to use for all the doctors and patients. A peak flow meter is a device that is portable and hand-held. It helps individuals understand how much air is being let out by the lungs and thereby gives an estimate on whether the current set of asthma medication is working well for the individual. If any adjustment is required, it is suggested to consult the doctor at the earliest.

  • Caffeine usage

It has been observed through several reports that coffee and black tea contain particular biological active chemicals that are capable of bronchodilation and thereby helping in the management of asthma and reducing the frequency of asthma attacks. It has also been noticed that caffeine is related to a drug that is also used to treat asthma known as theophylline. Any respiratory muscle fatigue that might be occurring can also be combated by caffeine.

  • Anti-inflammatory diet

This is a kind of diet that has been inspired by the very popular Mediterranean diet. This diet claims to decrease any inflammation caused not only by asthma but also by several other diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, etc. This diet puts focus on the portion sizes, food choices, and avoids fatty foods.

  • Relaxation

It has been understood through a plethora of research that asthma is greatly associated with stress. The higher the stress, the greater the use of various asthma medications has been noticed along with hospitalization. Asthma attacks can also be triggered by crying or laughing too loudly, being angry or extremely fearful. To be able to combat this, it has been suggested to practice deep breathing exercises to calm down. It has also been mentioned that progressive muscle relaxation can be of help. It is a technique done by tightening certain muscles and then releasing the tension gradually while paying attention to how the muscle feels as the tension is being released from the muscle. Another method to calm down could be guided imagery that utilizes music and words to conjure a set of images to create a relaxing environment.

Apart from the above lifestyle tips for managing asthma, you can also start light exercises and healthy eating to make your internal system healthy.