Top 5 Natural Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Top 5 Natural Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Is there anything more annoying than dry eyes? Dry eyes itch and burn, the world goes blurry and constant irritation turns your peepers red. Most of the time, dry eyes are only a minor inconvenience caused by a little dehydration. It hardly seems worth wasting time buying expensive over-the-counter eye drops. Fortunately, other options do exist. Before busting your piggy bank, try these tried and true home remedies for chronic dry eyes:

1. Blink like you mean it
Before trying anything else, try some butterfly kisses. Not blinking enough results in eye dryness due to evaporation. Keeping your eyes open too long exposes them to the air, drying them out and creating the perfect environment for dust and hair to stick. A few rapid blinks should moisten them back up and dislodge unwanted motes of dust and dirt. Dry eyes can often be avoided altogether by remembering to blink regularly. When on the computer or reading, develop a habit of blinking 10-15 times a minute.

2. Chug some water
Not drinking enough water causes a staggering number of medical problems, dry eyes among them. Dry eyes are often an early symptom of dehydration. Dry eyes in this situation may actually be beneficial. Our bodies prioritize where water goes, beginning with vital organs like the kidneys. Sadly for the windows to the soul, eyes are not high on the priority list. Dry eyes can indicate the body’s supply of water is beginning to run low, but not critically. Listen to your eyes and drink a glass of water!

3. Wash your face
If the eyes are intricate machines, then eyelashes are filthy filters. Our eyelashes aren’t merely for fluttering at cuties, they also serve a valuable function in maintaining healthy eyes. Eyelashes trap dust and grime that could otherwise pose serious harm to our eyes. However, sometimes the eyelashes get overwhelmed and need a good scrubbing. If your eyes seem to be itchy and red, then try rinsing off the area around your eyelids and lashes with a gentle soap.

4. Try warm compresses
Persistent dry eyes may require a little muscle to remedy. If the cause of dry eyes is not irritants like dust, it may be a clogged oil gland. Oil glands located in our eyelids help maintain moisture and create a layer of protection on the eyeballs. If these glands become clogged, then the eyes suffer dryness. A warm compress, like a cloth soaked in warm water, pressed over the eyes helps to loosen the gunk choking the glands. A few minutes of gentle pressure should get the job done. A warm compress has the added benefit of loosening tight muscles around the eye, which is another common cause of dryness.

5. Check your air
If dry eyes seem to be a daily occurrence, then it may be an environmental issue. Turning off the air conditioner for several minutes can go a long way towards curing dry eyes. Air conditioners do more than keep us cool, they also suck moisture out of the air. By turning the air conditioner off, the atmosphere in your home has more time to develop humidity, which keeps those peepers plump and moist. It is also worth checking any air filters around the house. A clogged filter no longer traps dust, allowing irritants to roam free in your home.