Top 6 Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Top 6 Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches

It often starts with vision disturbance or a little squiggly line right in the center of vision. Oh no, a migraine is brewing! For many people migraine symptoms include nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, localized pain on one side of the head, and dizziness. For people afflicted with chronic migraines, often the only solution is to go to bed, pull the covers up and wait for it to pass. However, there’s good news, these natural remedies may help:

1. Lavender oil
Breath in the sweet smell of lavender essential oil to calm a migraine. This oil diffused into the air adds a soothing scent and relieves headaches. Mix lavender oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut. Apply it to the temples and the nape of the neck for instant relief.

2. Feverfew
In the same family as common daisies, feverfew is one of the top home remedies for migraine relief. The leaves contain parthenolide, the key to treating migraines. This compound helps to reduce inflammation, restrict vasodilation, and soothe migraine pain. Using supplements up to 300 mg four times a day can help to prevent migraines. It is also available in tea, tinctures, and liquid.

3. Migraine diet
Avoiding or adding specific foods may decrease the chance and intensity of migraines. For instance, caffeine in small doses (less than 200 mg per day) can help people to avoid migraines. But too much caffeine can cause headaches. Discontinuing caffeine ‘cold turkey’ can also cause ‘rebound’ headaches. If there is too much, decrease caffeine consumption over time. If needed, add caffeine in small amounts to help prevent headaches. There are other trigger foods that can bring on a migraine. Cinnamon, smoked meats, alcohol, yeasts and even chocolate can be culprits. Discovering and avoiding trigger foods will help lessen the occurrence of migraines.

4. Yoga
Stress is a huge factor in migraines. Finding Zen can help prevent migraines and lessen the intensity. Yoga and meditation go hand-in-hand. Gentle stretches and calming movements promote blood flow, loosen tension, and relieve stress.

5. Acupressure
This ancient Chinese practice can give immediate relief in cases of migraine pain. A therapist will locate specific pressure points. Gentle pressure applied to pressure points will promote blood flow and release tension. This provides almost instant relief to the migraine sufferer. The relief may be temporary. Learning pressure points and techniques allows migraine sufferers to find self-relief.

6. Biofeedback
A trained therapist can help people learn to ‘read’ their body for signs of stress and anxiety. Frowns, hunched shoulders, and jaw tightness are all signs of anxiety and stress. Learning to ‘read’ the signs is part of the treatment. Relaxation techniques like abdominal breathing and progressive muscle relaxation help people handle stressors. This helps to lower blood pressure, promote oxygen to the cells, and decrease tension.

The next time a migraine threatens, be ready with these natural home remedies.