Top Foods to Manage Common Types of Arthritis

Top Foods to Manage Common Types of Arthritis

Arthritis pain can be managed by medications and treatment procedures recommended by your doctor. Including top foods to manage arthritis pain can help, too. Having food rich in calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids may alleviate the pain associated with arthritis and reduce the inflammatory effects.

Types of arthritis and the foods that help
Based on the type of arthritis, the doctor will recommend treatment procedures and therapy. There are mainly five types of arthritis. They are:

Being overweight puts stress on your joints; this is the main cause of arthritis. This type of arthritis usually affects the hips, knees, spine, and feet. But, no tiredness or fever is often felt with other forms of arthritis. Top foods to manage arthritis pain are fish oils from sardines, fresh tuna, salmons, and mackerels; dairy products like yogurt and cheese for calcium and vitamin D; and green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Avoid sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbs that increase the pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis
This is caused by an overactive immune system. A disorder in your immune system may cause it to attack the joints. This can cause the joints to swell up as well. With this kind of arthritis, you would want to eat beans for a better immune system, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach for calcium and iron along with immunity-boosting vitamins like A, C, and K. You should also eat cherries in bulk to get all the antioxidants. Seafood must always be included in any arthritis condition.

Psoriatic arthritis
This type of arthritis occurs due to psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition where the skin near the knees, elbows, scalp, anus, and navel suffer from inflammation. Top foods to manage psoriasis arthritis are fatty fish, seaweed, hemp seeds, flaxseed oil, walnuts, and edamame. All of which have the most important nutrient for psoriatic arthritis, omega 3.

This is yet another type of arthritis caused because of an auto-immune disorder. In this, your joints, brain, and other organs are attacked, causing pain and inflammation. Fish, nuts, canola oil, and olive oil should be used in the diet. Creamed soups, sauces, red meat, cheese, and ice-cream will also help if taken in moderation.

This occurs due to rising levels of uric acid in your body which leads to the formation of crystals that accumulate near your joints, causing pain and discomfort. You must eat everything that lubricates your muscles and joints when you have gout. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Whole grain, low-fat dairy, and legumes must be included in the diet to relieve pain.

Arthritis treatment
Depending on the type of arthritis you’re suffering from and the severity of the condition, the doctor will recommend treatment programs for you.

Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen can be used to lower the pain. Tylenol is also another option to be considered but it has some side effects. Taking too much Tylenol may adversely affect your liver. Moreover, NSAIDs may be prescribed by the doctor to reduce pain and inflammation.

There are several surgery-related options available to treat arthritis. Viscosupplementation is such a procedure where a gel is injected into a joint. Joint surgery is the last option and is considered only when other treatments have failed. Surgery may lead to pain and movement restrictions for several days.

Arthritis is a serious condition that should not be neglected, as it may permanently restrict your movements. Treatment should be sought after immediately upon the emergence of symptoms.