Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking is considered to be one of the primary reasons for stress. Despite its side effects, people are often unable to give up on it once addicted they’re addicted to smoking. Smoking for prolonged periods can result in plenty of health hazards.

Considering all the negative effects of smoking, there have been studies that shed light on some effective methods for smoking cessation that people should start inculcating in their lives if they wish to get rid of the habit. Effective implementation of such methods can help a smoker quit smoking and lead a healthy life.

Listed below are effective methods to quit smoking:
Studies have found some methods for those who smoke to quit the habit. Listed below are some ways in which you can quit smoking effectively:

Have a plan
Set a date to quit smoking. Tell your friends about this decision and mark your calendar to remind yourself every day about the task. Make up your mind to quit smoking completely on the date that you have picked. Make sure you’re prepared to handle any withdrawal symptoms. Work on yourself and identify when you crave cigarettes and come up with ways to deal with such triggers. Figure out ways that work best for you and stick to it long enough to finally quit this harmful habit for good.

Quit cold turkey
For some people quitting cold turkey is what works best for them. However, this might not work for those who have been smoking for years. It might bring on withdrawal symptoms, consequently discouraging the person to quit smoking. This method usually works best for those who smoke a couple of cigarettes every day.

Additional support
Most people who are trying to quit smoking, need additional support. This can come from listening to motivational speeches, apps that track habits, talking to people who have been through this experience before, etc. Many countries also have government websites that will help you quit this habit.

Behavioral therapy
Behavioral therapy for smoking cessation is an evidence-based treatment that involves emotion regulation training, self-monitoring, functional analysis among others to cope with particularly strong urges to smoke.

Nicotine replacement
There are several over-the-counter methods like gums, lozenges, patches, nasal sprays, and inhalers that provide nicotine without using tobacco. This helps cope with withdrawal symptoms and can be slowly reduced once the symptoms get better. It also helps you quit twice as quickly. Nicotine replacement is focused on not only quitting tobacco but end your addiction to nicotine altogether.

Medication s
Varenicline (Chantix) and Bupropion are medicines prescribed by medical experts that help you cope with your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. However, these cannot be used by people have a history of seizure-related disorders.